Yoga is the oldest system of personal improvement in the world. The Yoga Center of Greenwich focuses on the development of a personal yoga practice. Our practice is designed to inspire the beginner and challenge the experienced. Each pose is to be performed to the best of one’s ability. To facilitate the greatest benefits of the practice, we stress controlled use of the breath (pranayama) and precise alignment. In doing so, our students’ progress without strain or injury.

The yoga postures (asanas) work the entire body to balance and strengthen the spine, muscles, tendons and ligaments. The function of each joint, gland, internal organ, circulatory, nervous and digestive systems are improved and brought into balance. A regular yoga practice reduces stress and promotes healing. Hatha yoga is designed to teach mastery of self and to bring us the true meaning of hatha yoga: “Ha” – sun, “Tha” – moon, “YOGA” – union of body and mind.




Lauren Berger is the Director of The Yoga Center.  Lauren has trained for 20 years with the former directors, Toni Goodrich and Heather Trzuskowski, the former mother/daughter director team. The Yoga Center was founded in 1992 and has been at the present location ever since, right on Greenwich Avenue.  The Yoga Center is the oldest Hot Yoga studio in Connecticut.  Our teachers have studied all forms of Hatha Yoga.  Our founders studied primarily with Bikram Choudhury, Tony Sanchez, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, David Swensen and TKV Desikachar.  This knowledge and embodiment of hatha yoga has been passed on to Lauren, the current director, through years of practice and training.  A unique aspect of our teaching at The yoga Center is also based on alignment first.  This extensive focus has come through a collaboration of Lauren and local Sports Medicine Internest, Dr. Carlon Colker, who together examine the safest method of organizing the body to build strength and flexibility. 





Marylyn Dintenfass is an internationally renowned artist whose provocative abstract forms embody a sense of “nothing is ever what it seems”. The autobiographical references in her work blend art and life, the abstract and the representational, as they both conceal and confess. Dintenfass’ intuitive gestural abstractions mesh color, light, line, and sensually layered glazed surfaces to achieve a heightened visual synergy and a dynamic balance of color and form. Enigmatic and hypnotic, her images profess the contradictory and symbiotic dualities at the core of all life’s experiences.

This work was chosen for the studio in order to highlight the energy and movement that comes to our lives every day.  How we channel this energy is what we learn to deal with through our daily practice.

Dintenfass’ work is represented in major public, corporate and private collections worldwide, including The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; The Museum of Arts and Design, New York; The Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C.; Danmarks Keramikmuseum, Grimmerhaus, Denmark; The Flint Institute of Arts, MI; the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; and in museums in Denmark and Italy. Her 2010 Parallel Park installation at the Lee County Justice Center in Fort Myers, Florida is one of the largest and most noteworthy public art projects of the last decade.